House of Parliament - Visitors - Országgyűlés
There are 29 entrances to the House of Parliament. It has a symmetric layout, the main spaces of the House trace a floor plan in the shape of a cross, with the Dome Hall at the point of …
Home - Visitors - Országgyűlés
The Visitor Centre was established to present the treasures of the House of Parliament in a fitting environment. The Visitor Centre is truly a communal space, one where visitors can enjoy an …
Visiting - Visitors - Országgyűlés
Visiting the House of Parliament. Seven hundred thousand visitors take the official tour of the House of Parliament every year. Tours start at the underground Visitor Centre in the northern …
Visitor route - Visitors - Országgyűlés
A walk through the House of Parliament. Seven hundred thousand visitors see the House of Parliament annually. The building is open nearly every day of the year for visits led by trained …
Ticket prices - Visitors - Országgyűlés
The 45-minute guided tour of the Parliament building is available with an audioguide or a professional tour guide in Hungarian, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
Purchasing tickets - Visitors - Országgyűlés
The 45-minute guided tour of the Parliament building is available with an audioguide or a professional tour guide in Hungarian, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
Opening hours - Visitors - Országgyűlés
Address: Kossuth tér 1-3, 1055 Budapest, Hungary. Telephone: (+36-1) 441-4415 or (+36-1) 441-4904. E-mail: tourist.office(at)parlament.hu
Important information - Visitors - Országgyűlés
The 45-minute guided tour of the Parliament building is available with an audioguide or a professional tour guide in Hungarian, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
Nyitólap - Országgyűlés
Képviselők . Bevezetés; Az országgyűlési képviselők jogai, kötelességei és javadalmazása; Aktív képviselői névsor; Egy képviselő adatai
Home - House of the National Assembly - Országgyűlés
General information . Electing Members of the National Assembly; Forming The National Assembly; Officers; Committees; Parliamentary groups