python - How to make a smiley face in Turtle? - Stack Overflow
Oct 22, 2014 · First time ever using Turtle. My assignment is to make a smiley face, any size and any position. I just can't get the mouth right because I really don't know what I'm doing. I've read quite a bit and what I want to do is after the right smile, start and (0,0) and just make a mirror image of it. Thanks for any help.
graphics - Java : smiley face - Stack Overflow
Oct 16, 2015 · I want to know what i should use to draw the mouth and eyes of the above smiley face. so far i managed to draw whats behind the eyes and mouth (Look down for the result so far). i tried using Arc2D.double as you can see in the code …
How to draw smily (arc) using python turtle - Stack Overflow
May 1, 2016 · I want to draw a smily using python turtle. Circle extent will be 120. I am trying following import turtle turtle.circle(100) turtle.up() turtle.goto(0, 30) turtle.down() turtle.circle(40, 120)
How to create a Smiley Face stamp in java using GUI
I'm trying to write a function that will draw the pictured smiley face I need to pass in parameters for location and size of the smiley face. For example, if the location passed in was (0,0) and size 100, then the yellow circle would be a width and height of 100, the eyes are black circles located at (30,30) and (60,30) with a width and height ...
Drawing and displaying a smiley face (not showing)
Nov 20, 2013 · I'm trying to make a smiley face using the canvas tag and javascript. I put the individual components of the face as their own methods (drawFace(), drawEyes(), drawSmile()). I have these methods at the bottom of my code. But nothing displays. When I remove these methods and put all the code into one giant method it will display.
How to draw a mouth for a Smiley Face in Java - Stack Overflow
Oct 27, 2015 · How do I get the mouth part of the smiley face? Do I use a polygon or oval...oval doesn't seem to make sense but I don't know? here is my code: import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Canvas; import
codes to display a smiley and sad face in C++ console
Feb 8, 2013 · i'm a newbie in C++, i need a help to get a smiley and sad face using c++ console, below was the code i got but it was not giving me big smiley face and sad face too. i would appreciate it if any one can assist. thanks. #include<iostream.h> using namespace std; int main() { printf("%C",2); std::cin.ignore(); }
java - JavaFX Making a Face - Stack Overflow
Apr 5, 2019 · I am working on an a Java FX program where I have to make an emoji face. I have got the circle made with a border, the eyes and the frown. I am having a problem with the eyebrows. I have one of the eyebrows set in place but I can't seem to get the other eyebrow to match on the other side of the face.
python - How do I get one of these codes to draw a smiley face of ...
Jul 9, 2015 · I'm missing important criteria here to get several smiley faces to appear in various sizes in a window. I'm new at this and I cannot figure out how to accomplish this on my own. These are the 2 codes I've created and failed with so far.
Draw smiley face ASCII art - Stack Overflow
I used to be able to draw ASCII art smiley faces similar to this post by doing something like: Console.Write((char)1); Back when I did this on Windows XP/7, the console was not able to render the character by default. I got around this encoding issue by using this special encoding: Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);