Le 13 septembre de cette année, lʼInstitut de littérature nommé dʼaprès Nizami de lʼAcadémie nationale des sciences dʼAzerbaïdjan et lʼUniversité dʼÉtat de langue et littérature ouzbèke de Tachkent ...
On September 13 of this year, an international scientific and practical conference entitled “The Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan Model of the Turkic World” was held in the ancient city of Ganja. The event was ...
Botir MADIYOROV/“Xalq soʻzi”. Ayni pishiqchilik mavsumida qizlarning kokillaridek uzun-uzun suv oʻtlari zarif qoʻshiqlar kuylab oqadigan tiniq suvli ariqlarda chanqoqni qondirish, tandirda yopilgan ...
Hududlarda isteʼmolga yaroqsiz yogʻ mahsulotini ishlab chiqarish holatlari fosh etildi. Bu haqda Bosh prokuratura huzuridagi Iqtisodiy jinoyatlarga qarshi kurashish departamenti xabar berdi. Qayd ...
乌兹别克斯坦共和国总统沙夫卡特·米尔济约耶夫与德国总理奥拉夫·朔尔茨参加了管理人员培训联合学校的启动仪式。 该项目是在乌兹别克斯坦总统下属的国家管理学院、公共服务发展局 ...
Two rounds of the third stage of World Cup qualification in Asia have been played. The popular publication “SofaScore” compiled a symbolic team featuring the most active players from these rounds.
Ya se han disputado dos rondas de la tercera fase de clasificación para la Copa Mundial en Asia. La popular publicación SofaScore ha elaborado un equipo simbólico con los jugadores más activos de ...
Deux tours du 3ème étape de qualification de la Coupe du monde en Asie ont eu lieu. La célèbre publication “SofaScore” a formé une équipe nationale symbolique à partir des joueurs qui ont participé le ...
Adliya vazirligi tomonidan fuqarolarning o‘zini o‘zi boshqarish organlarining (mahalla) ma’lumotnomalari va boshqa hujjatlarini taqdim qilish talabini bekor qilishga qaratilgan Hukumat qarori loyihasi ...
Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda 1-noyabrdan boshlab bir oyda elektr energiyasini oʻrtacha oylik isteʼmoli uchun toʻlov miqdoriga oʻsuvchan koeffitsiyent qoʻllanilishi turlicha baholanmoqda. Avvalo, shuni aytish ...
根据舍尔佐德洪·库德拉托哈报道,由地区突厥学院和土耳其语言学会组织的第三届突厥通用字母委员会会议于9月9日至11日在巴库成功闭幕。 “此次重要会议的主要目的是,由突厥国家组织成立 ...
The third session of the General Turkic Alphabet Commission, organized by the Regional Turkic Academy and the Turkish Linguistics Society, successfully concluded in Baku from September 9-11.