Please print this page (click on the ‘printer friendly version’ option at the bottom right of this page) then fill out and send this form to:- ...
The Forum area of the site is only visible to Ekklesia partners, associates and staff. If you are already a partner then login here: ...
Truly biblical faith is about forgiveness, hope, repentance (radical change), a new community, magnanimity, peacemaking and the thirst for justice – both personally and socially. Truly biblical faith ...
No. Its co-directors happen to be Anglicans (C of E and Scottish Episcopal Church), but of a dissenting type! And Ekklesia as an organisation has no formal denominational links of any kind. No. Its co ...
We don’t claim to speak on behalf of others, but to draw public attention to alternative voices for change that often get overlooked in the ‘argument about religion’ – one where angry and sectional ...
In some cases we do make specific policy recommendations – on land reform, on welfare justice, on distinguishing civil partnership arrangements from the religious act of blessing and supporting marria ...
‘Thinking for a Change’ is a comment, research and summary email bulletin. It contains analysis of events from the past week, and also what is on the agenda in the week ahead. ‘Thinking for a Change’ ...
Ekklesia was set up by Jonathan Bartley in 2002, out of his experience of a theological training course (Workshop) which introduced him to the Radical Reformation tradition and which produced a major ...
Individual and group consultancy Individual and group consultancy Providing high quality support, advice and practical assistance – in relation to particular issues and problems, and about the ...
We are Christians taking responsibility for the inheritance, politically and theologically, which comes to us in a troubled world. We want to affirm our convictions in an open but self-critical way.
The Greek word ekklesia refers to a people’s assembly within the public square. The Greek word ekklesia refers to a people’s assembly within the public square. It also has strong Hebrew roots to ...
As far as we can see, Ekklesia is a unique combination of think-tank, news service, discussion forum and action centre. As far as we can see, Ekklesia is a unique combination of think-tank, news ...