After financial expenses (€2.3m in the first half of 2024 compared with €1.7m in the first half of 2023 due to financing the ...
The timetable for the Offer will be determined by the Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF") in accordance with its General Regulation. This press release (the “Press Release”) has been prepared ...
The Offeror therefore believes that the Offer presents a liquidity opportunity for SQLI's shareholders. The Offeror has also indicated that, if the results of the Offer so permit, it intends to ...
Total operating revenues amounted to 19,942k€ at June 30 th, 2024 (versus €21,470,000 at June 30 th, 2023), including 7,317k€ in capitalized R&D for the ongoing development of the new generation of ...
Following the Extraordinary General Meeting of DOLFINES held on September 16, Euronext indicates, in a notice issued on ...
In H1 2024, the Airwell Group stepped up its investments with the launch of new service offerings (“Leezy”, “Ma Maison ...
VusionGroup - Médiaperformances and VusionGroup announce a strategic partnership to revolutionize in-store Retail Media ...
Racing Force's motorsports Driver's Eye integrates with Oakley goggles to change the Ski TV audience experience ...
Prior to his role with VusionGroup, Jim Norred has served as GM for Retail, CPG and Gaming, Chief Customer Officer at ...
The Group's financial structure remained solid at June 30, 2024, with shareholders' equity of €22.6 million and significant ...