A recent WeChat post reveals some of the tools that Chinese schools and universities are using special software to identify and punish students who “scale the wall”—that is, circumvent China’s Great ...
While China’s athletes won glory in Paris at this year’s Olympics and Paralympics, there was widespread agreement on Chinese social media that the country’s reporters did not. Bloggers and athletes ...
山东省成武县政府官网发布的《成武县2023年国民经济和社会发展统计公报》显示:2023年机关事业单位退休人员8778人,发放养老待遇7.85亿元;企业单位离退休人员13220人,发放养老待遇3.69亿元;城乡居民养老保险待遇领取人员11.94万人,发 ...
“煽动的螺旋”对当下的社会经济发展没有任何好处,有朋友认为,袭击日本儿童事件多发,会加速日本企业撤离,这是有道理的“逻辑推论”。在这样的事件中,“含混”只会让事情变得更糟。这个社会需要清澈透明,让犯罪的人受到惩罚,并且把他们的动机公布于众 ...
Prague-based Sinopsis has published a new investigation by Kuek Ser Kuang Keng, Chan Wei See, and Wong Kai Hui into the propagation of pro-Russian narratives about the invasion of Ukraine through ...
With the U.S. presidential election looming ever closer, an article in Foreign Affairs from  Johns Hopkins’ Jessica Chen Weiss called for a new approach to China policy from the next administration: ...
Last week, the Chinese government announced that it will raise the retirement age. The long-expected move is deeply unpopular but, the government holds, necessary to relieve strain on China’s work ...
陈洪涛则回应对方称,该微博系其发布,谢守辉上访,是法律赋予群众的权利; 职能部门随意动用刑事手段,阻挠群众上访,将合法公民变成“逃犯”,是知法犯法。
In a rare event on Monday, the Chinese government has freed an American citizen who it had detained for nearly 20 years. The citizen, David Lin, was a pastor who was born in China and then lived in ...
白鹿新闻报道称,死者常济淙在突发心脏骤停后,至少超过3个10分钟才得到120急救人员的抢救。据郑大医院出具的《院前急救病情记录》显示,现场办案民警主诉嫌疑人“晕厥20分钟,加重5分钟”呼叫120,医务人员接120指令于当晚20:32:50到达现场,2 ...