Uttar Pradesh Police has detained a Class 11 student from Bihar's Purnia district for allegedly threatening to bomb the Maha ...
Uttar Pradesh Police has detained a Class 11 student from Bihar's Purnia district for allegedly threatening to bomb the Maha ...
A Class 11 student from Bihar's Purnia district has been detained by Uttar Pradesh Police for allegedly threatening the Maha ...
Uttar Pradesh Police detained a Class 11 student from Bihar for allegedly threatening to bomb the upcoming Maha Kumbh Mela.
A student of class 11, hailing from Bihar has been arrested for threatening to bomb the Kumbh Mela starting on January 13.
A 17-year-old student from Bihar's Purnia, who studies in Class 11, has been detained for allegedly threatening to blow up the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj beginning January 13.
Begusarai: Panic gripped local people when a natural gas pipeline caught fire between Urfail bypass Chowk and Maranga police station area in Purnia to.
Rural youth in Kishanganj, Bihar, discuss Constitutional rights and work towards social change through political education ...
Patna: A notorious criminal, Sushil Ram alias Sushil Mochi, wanted in multiple criminal cases and carrying a reward of Rs 2 lakh, was shot dead by the.