Her stance also chimes with a report authored by former Italian prime minister Mario Draghi at the behest of European ...
A report authored by a leading Italian politician offers ideas for making the EU as economically competitive as the United ...
Leading technology executives, including Meta's Mark Zuckerberg, Spotify's Daniel Ek, and Stripe's Patrick Collison, have ...
The starting point of the report is the weakness of innovation in the EU. It lays out the lamentable state of Europe’s ...
A UniCredit-Commerzbank tie-up would be the biggest cross-border European banking deal since the global financial crisis.
A final report by the UN's high level advisory body on artificial intelligence makes for, at times, a surreal read. Named ...
The ambition of creating a true single market for research, innovation, knowledge and education seems closer to being ...
Market concentration is a political problem as well as an economic one — EU competition policy should reflect that ...
Mario Draghi’s call last week for a revamp of Europe’s tough pro-competition policy rules prompted much speculation that the ...
On March 27, 2024, the Italian legislature enacted reforms to attract new investors to the Italian capital markets and ...
Ekaterina Zaharieva is yet to start work as the EU's new startup commissioner, but tensions are already rising around her ...
Former Prime Minister Mario Draghi arrived at Palazzo Chigi for a meeting with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, as previously ...