Starring Vishal, Madha Gaja Raja has completed a week of its release in Tamil Nadu. Directed by Sundar C, the Tamil movie has touched Rs 35 crore in 7 days.
Vishal and Sundar C’s Madha Gaja Raja, which hit the screens on January 12, is doing well at the box office. It earned Rs 6 ...
Actor Ravi Mohan, known for his role in 'Jayam,' has filed for divorce from his wife Aarti in Chennai's Family Court due to ...
From Sky Force to Flight Risk, check out the new movies and series set to release on OTT and in theatres this week.
Saindhavi's continued performances at GV Prakash's concerts abroad post-divorce spark viral videos and astonish fans. GV Prakash clarifies their collaboration is due to mutual respect and ...
Learn how to create a natural hair mask using amla and aloe vera to combat hair fall. This mask offers benefits like promoting hair growth, strengthening roots, and improving scalp health.