There eventually will come a time when Epsilon falls off the 1st-magnitude list. This map portrays the sky as seen near 30° south latitude. Located inside the border are the cardinal directions and ...
Check out the chart above and make sure to revisit ... High above Mercury in the early-morning sky, the slightly brighter (magnitude –0.1) star Arcturus rules the southeast, while 1st-magnitude ...
Mercury, at magnitude –1, hangs nearly 10° below ... Credit: Astronomy: Roen Kelly The map below portrays the sky as seen near 35° north latitude. Located inside the border are the cardinal ...
Our star chart is designed to get you out learning the night sky within a matter of moments. Just set it for your time and location, make a few tweaks if you like for personal taste, and print it out.
The first two weeks of March provide a great opportunity to sight four bright naked-eye planets in the early evening sky. Low toward the west blazes Venus, which serves as a convenient celestial ...
Here are some tools to help you get started. Your Sky Tonight, our digital star chart can be customized for your date and location; you can even set it to get the most suitable results depending ...
If you want to check sky conditions before heading out, use our interactive satellite map to see if clouds may impact your view. Each planet varies in brightness, measured in magnitude.
There eventually will come a time when Epsilon falls off the 1st-magnitude list. This map portrays the sky as seen near 30° south latitude. Located inside the border are the cardinal directions ...
If you want to check sky conditions before heading out, use our interactive satellite map to see if clouds may impact your view. Each planet varies in brightness, measured in magnitude. The lower (or ...