A two-part film based on Hitoshi Iwaaki's sci-fi horror manga of the same name. Humanity is suffering from a series of mysterious murders across the globe, known as the 'Mincemeat murders'.
A two-part film based on Hitoshi Iwaaki's sci-fi horror manga of the same name. Humanity is suffering from a series of mysterious murders across the globe, known as the 'Mincemeat murders'.
Alright, buckle up, dear parents, because we're about to dive into the world of Parasyte: The Grey, the show that’s a smorgasbord of sci-fi, horror, and a dash of "what on earth did I just watch?" ...
The six-part series is an adaptation of Hitoshi Iwaaki's classic Japanese manga Parasyte, a huge hit in the 1980s and 90s ...