The Kung Fu Panda series are computer-animated action comedy films set in a version of China populated by humanoid talking animals, the plot revolves around a bumbling humanoid panda named Po who ...
The Kung Fu Panda series are computer-animated action comedy films set in a version of China populated by humanoid talking animals, the plot revolves around a bumbling humanoid panda named Po who ...
Either way, the movie is miles behind its franchise predecessor Kung Fu Panda 3, which opened the weekend before Chinese New Year in 2016 with a record-setting $57.8 million haul. The threequel ...
Martial-arts panda Po is reunited with his long-lost father Li, and the pair travel to a secret panda sanctuary where they must team up to defeat an evil ancient force and restore the kung fu order.
That compares with $57.8 million at the end of a similar weekend and previews for Kung Fu Panda 3, which released in 2016 a week ahead of the Lunar new Year holidays. Unlike the third iteration of the ...