Naša rada riše, je rekla, ker sem se ob prvi priliki zatekla k barvicam in papirju, da mi le ne bi bilo treba poslušati dolgočasnih pogovorov velikih tet z nalakiranimi nohti.' Lahko med vrsticami ...
You fall, and the pain in your leg confirms your worst fear — it's fractured. The nearest medical facility that can properly treat your injury is miles away, only accessible by air ambulance. It's ...
MEDICLIN's competitors seem to be trading at a greater discount In this article we are going to estimate the intrinsic value of MEDICLIN Aktiengesellschaft (ETR:MED) by taking the expected future ...
MEDICLIN's competitors seem to be trading at a greater discount In this article we are going to estimate the intrinsic value of MEDICLIN Aktiengesellschaft (ETR:MED) by taking the expected future cash ...
Menim, da so se na ministrstvu odločitvam izmikali zato, ker je bilo s strani šol, ki so bile vključene v poskusnem projektu, precej upora. Obljubljena sta jim bila med in mleko, na koncu pa so dobili ...
Odzvala se je tudi letalska družba, ki je v izjavi za javnost zapisala, da so sprožili interno preiskavo. »Otrok je med letom nenehno jokal. Da bi preprečili motenje ostalih potnikov, sta dve ženski s ...
Medical imaging technology—such as MRI, ultrasound and X-ray—is gaining in power and precision, especially in the wake of recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. Several EPFL research ...
By way of learning-by-doing, we'll look at ROE to gain a better understanding of CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA (ETR:COP). ROE or return on equity is a useful tool to assess how effectively a ...
By way of learning-by-doing, we'll look at ROE to gain a better understanding of CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA (ETR:COP). ROE or return on equity is a useful tool to assess how effectively a ...