Researchers exploring the wares of fishers in Vietnam discovered a “supergiant” sea bug species whose resemblance to Darth Vader inspired its name.
Discover Bathynomus vaderi, a newly identified giant isopod species from Vietnam’s deep seas, named after Darth Vader.
Researchers newly identified a “supergiant” sea bug species off the coast of south-central Vietnam, but scientists worry ...
Scientists in Vietnam have identified a new 'supergiant' giant isopod species, Bathynomus vaderi. Found near the Spratly Islands, B. vaderi reaches up to 32.5 cm and weighs more than 1 kg.
vaderi’s body structure differed greatly from other Bathynomus specimens found in the South China Sea.Supergiant sea bugs, including B. vaderi, are members of the isopod family, characterized by ...
Scientists have discovered a new Cretaceous-era dinosaur species by examining photos of a fossil lost during an allied air ...