By coring the seabed at 850 m water depth in Disko Bay off Greenland's west coast, researchers from the University of ...
HIGHLIGHTS •Aircore drilling to test priority targets expected to commence in late-March, weather dependent, at the Balla ...
Lorena Moscardelli could not help but smile as she walked through aisles of high shelves at UT’s Core Research Center, each ...
Lincoln Minerals is re-assaying historic core aiming to uncover new base metal potential in South Australia after it was only tested for magnetite in 2011.
New faculty are attracted to UB specifically to meet the goals and objectives of the RENEW Institute. UB RENEW Institute 112 Cooke Hall University at Buffalo, North Campus Buffalo, NY 14260 ...
The Earth Sciences contribute to answers on a wide range of societal and economic questions in areas such as: the natural means of existence (water, raw materials, the energy transition), the ...
Structural geology is the study of the deformation of the surface and subsurface of the Earth and other planetary bodies. This deformation reflects past changes in local and regional stress and ...
Processors with similar names could be anything from brand new to 15-plus years old. For example, Core i5 processors from 2008 have the same brand name as Core i5 processors from 2023. This won’t be a ...
Southern California is frequently shaken by earthquakes. How they feel to people living in Los Angeles has a lot to do with the sediment-filled basin the city sits upon. Jack Wonfor spotted a ...
This discovery suggests that Earth's core could harbor vast reserves of helium ... These results open up prospects for research in geology and materials science. They could also shed light on the ...
US CPI KEY TAKEAWAYS: US CPI expectations: 2.9% y/y headline inflation, 3.2% y/y core inflation With a Q1 “growth scare” spooking investors and policymakers, there’s now a legitimate chance ...
Geology is the study of Earth's history, composition and evolution. We tackle this through a multidisciplinary programme stretching from understanding Earth materials, internal processes that cause ...