Anime is an original media art form taking its roots from Japan. This is something that has changed a lot, having very high significance since it dawned in the early twentieth century. Right from ...
A new open-source AI model has changed how creators approach anime-style image generation, and its impact goes far beyond ...
Enough beautiful words have already been said about the film, and it is most certainly one that any fan of anime, manga, cinema or art in general should see. But it is that simple-but-not question ...
Harry Potter gets a legendary anime crossover, with new artwork based on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone as well as a ...
The book is titled Art of Battle: Koichi Ohata Robot Chronicles and will be released in Japan on January 25 for 4,180 yen (or ...
An absolutely hilarious piece of Spy x Family fanart following the manga's latest chapter suggests that Loid might need Okarun's help.
And now, a couple of artists are paying homage to My Hero Academia in their own way. The first tribute comes from Jorge Jiménez, a popular artist inking under DC Comics. He took to Twitter ...
People gathered at the Hilton DoubleTree Hotel on Sunday to celebrate Anime, the popular animation style from Japan.
While the artwork does not indicate any official decision ... of this relationship receiving more exposure and content in the anime's final season. Jie Shan Yao, popularly known as "Jason ...