世界の交通運輸労働者の代弁者であるITFの力を真に強化するために、多様な人々を結集させることに力を注いでいます。 次回世界大会(2024年)於 マラケシュ 第46回ITF大会が2024年10月13日~18 ...
ver.di, the German union, is calling for Lufthansa Group to stop using Hilton, Hyatt and Marriott hotels to provide layover accommodation for their crew, during the current strikes that have seen ...
Transport workers have long stood on the frontlines, not just of global industries, but of conflict, paying the price for ...
La Federación Internacional de los Trabajadores del Transporte (ITF) condena enérgicamente la denuncia por parte del gobierno argentino de los cargos falsos de extorsión en contra de Pablo Biro El ...
Líderes sindicales mundiales se unieron hoy para denunciar colectivamente los ataques severos contra los derechos de los trabajadores y trabajadoras por parte del presidente argentino Javier Milei.
El sector aéreo está oscilando entre la crisis y el caos. La desregulación y la intensa competencia han hecho de la aviación un frágil ecosistema incapaz de soportar las frecuentes crisis y recesiones ...
“The long and proud history of Argentina’s trade unions is under attack. It is critical for us to support our brothers and ...
Global union leaders joined together today to collectively denounce draconian attacks on workers’ rights by Argentine President Javier Milei. After declaring their intention to privatise Aerolíneas ...
D ockers from the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) are on strike as of midnight today (Tuesday), shutting down ...
Ports all along the East Coast hit as International Longshoremen’s Association strikes for first time since 1977. D ockers from the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) are on strike as of ...
Dockers around the world stand in steadfast solidarity with International Longshoremen’s Association ...