Fr Raed talks about concerns triggered by the military escalation on the Lebanese border. Social tensions related to conflict ...
The magistrates' want to investigate their role in the death of 78 young Muslims who were locked up in military vehicles. The ...
Worldwide, the virus, which can cause paralysis in infants and children, is unchecked only in these two countries. In ...
They are accused of promising miraculous cures for diseases, exploiting superstitions widespread among Dalits and the poor.
Sultan Ibrahim arrived in Beijing to mark 50 years of bilateral relations. Kuala Lumpur is looking to Chinese investments to build connectivity with neighbouring Singapore. Malaysian oil exploration i ...
A trip that marks how much the interest of the Germans and the entire European Union in the region has increased, especially ...
The Japanese company Icom says pagers used in Lebanon explosion out of production for 10 years; In Malaysia 49 Immigration Department officials arrested for smuggling ...
La nota del dicastero per la Dottrina della fede a conclusione della lunga indagine sulle presunte apparizioni iniziate nel ...
P. Raed racconta il clima di preoccupazione per una escalation militare al confine col Libano. Il pericolo di tensioni ...
Sono gli unici due Paesi al mondo dove il virus circola ancora, provocando paralisi tra bambini e neonati. I talebani non ...
阿斯塔纳(亚洲新闻) - 德国总理奥拉夫·舒尔茨(Olaf ...
二十年前,那拉提瓦府达拜爆发抗议活动,试图逮捕六名当地激进分子,随后军队和警察进行武力干预,杀死了七名抗议者,逮捕了1,300 人,并装载了大量抗议者,人叠人的到卡车上。数十人在阳光下窒息而死而动弹不得。