I am a Professor in the Mathematics Department at Utah State University. My research interests are in low dimensional topology, representation theory and mathematical physics. In the Spring of 2023, ...
In this course, the homework assignments and tests are accessed online and are based on software from Hawkes Learning Systems. Error specific feedback is provided ...
Technology is an essential tool for learning mathematics in the 21st century, and all schools must ensure that all their students have access to technology. Effective teachers maximize the potential ...
This lesson illustrates how mathematics can be used to solve real-world problems. You will mainly review basic concepts from Intermediate Algebra.
Murdoch, D. J. (2000): "Statistics on the Web", Chance, Vol. 13, No. 1, 49-51. Symanzik, J. (1998): "Current Internet Technology and Statistics - Blessing or Curse ...
Welcome to USU Math 1050, College Algebra! This is the homepage for Math 1050. From here you will be able to access the individual lessons, the text materials, the assigned problems, the online ...
Applet Overview: The large ‘jar’ contains 10,000 blue and orange balls. What proportion of the balls are blue? To know the true proportion of blue balls, it would be necessary to count all the blue ...
The hist() function will produce a histogram of the provided numerical data. A few of the additional arguments for hist() are listed below along with their use: ...
Amusement park patrons, wanting to go on a log ride, might not have to wait in line at all, they might have to wait for hours, or the wait could be anywhere in between. For a random log rider, the ...
Here are screenshots of what R (left) and RStudio (right) look like: ...
If the probability that a randomly selected person will vote in the next election is 0.39, how would we find the probability that more than half of the people in a sample of 1000 will vote? Since the ...