Advanced Illumination, a leader in lighting solutions for machine vision applications, part of the Exaktera group, today ...
There are a million ways to use LEDs to make a clock. [sjm4306] chose to go a relatively conventional route, making something that approximates a traditional analog timepiece. However, he did it ...
In a televised interview, the DPWH Secretary Manuel Bonoan said the bridge — which was only opened to the public in February — was initially meant for light vehicles. He said it had design ...
Once your pawns realize they've been cut off from nature's light cycles, they're going to crave it! The outdoors need levels are going to decay 3x faster* if they are stuck indoors without windows.
My current favourite is the version at YOLOxTAG Snack.Bar.Café in Semenyih, where the dish is simply called “Mala Dry Hotpot” on the menu. The shop is an unassuming mix-and-match establishment pairing ...