A Cabinet-appointed committee that looked into reforming state-owned non-commercial institutions has recommended a string of restructuring measures, including winding up some state institutions, ...
A truck carrying 5,031.2 kilos of substandard tea, commonly referred to as “refuse tea” or tea waste, was intercepted near ...
Representatives of the German Import Promotion Desk (IPD) have visited 14 companies across 9 districts in Sri Lanka on a ...
Nine Sri Lankan export companies that promoted the island's certified organic agricultural products among international ...
according to the Sri Lanka Export Development Board. “The soil is very rich in nutrients that are perfect for the tea,” says Dinesh De Silva, the naturalist at Teardrop Hotels’ boutique ...
Much research has been done by numerous experts on the future of the plantation industry involving tea, rubber and coconut. .
Sri Lanka’s tea exports registered a decline in February, despite a positive growth in key international markets. ..
This is our Lenten Season. By my father’s regimen, we had at home fish and no meat on Lenten weekdays and not even fish on Fridays. But Sunday was feast day. The vegetarian Nallur Bhavan gives good ...
During the war, Kenya’s official tea exports to Sudan had been declining long before last week’s ban. In the past year, tea exports to Sudan fell by 12 percent from 12,034,300 kilos to 10,567,780 ...
The famous St. Anthony’s Church feast this year was held on 14 and 15 March. St. Anthony, as per Catholic belief, gives ...
These steps, Sri Lankans going abroad on visit visas with government assent, was a regular practice during the tenure of ...