Associate Professor Konstantinos Vogiatzis' lab in the Department of Chemistry is leveraging computational chemistry to ...
The University of Guelph (UoG) in Guelph, Ontario Canada has been awarded a prestigious grant from the Natural Sciences and ...
An Australian company called Cortical Labs has developed a computer powered by lab-grown human brain cells, Gizmodo reports.
These trends match our recent experience advising on hydrogen matters. One green hydrogen pathway is evolving to take the ...
Although it is less abundant than carbon dioxide, methane gas contributes disproportionately to global warming. Its molecular structure ... With a new reasoning model that matches the performance ...
In Japan, a smelly waste product is being reimagined as a potential clean fuel of the future that is powering cars and ...
To help find solutions to the planet's climate crisis, MIT Associate Professor Daniel Suess is looking to Earth's ancient ...
Celebrity Chef Julia Child famously said, ‘with enough butter, anything is good,’ and while the ingredient can add much needed flavor, mouthfeel and satiety to dishes, producing it, and other fats and ...
During serpentinization, awaruite (Ni₃Fe) forms as a secondary mineral when liberated nickel (Ni 2+) and iron (Fe 2+) from the olivine, pyroxene, and chromite minerals react with the abundant hydrogen ...
High-tech camera reveals the pollutants spewing into the atmosphere, providing evidence for the state to investigate gas and oil operators.
The finding creates a paradox, because the Earth is 4.54 billion years old, and molecular clocks put the ... products or lock up acidic carbon dioxide. “I think the main reason why we are able to do ...