On the inside of Philon’s upper arm is the horror movie character Chucky, the murderous doll who comes to life in the movie ...
Here we round up his ten best performances, from Dunkirk to Bronson.
F or most Hollywood films that center on battles between heroes and villains, the typical practice is to give top billing to ...
Gotham City, the famous fictional home to Bruce Wayne and many other legendary comic book character is officially confirmed ...
Magazine Dreams” and “Flipside” are very different films united by an obsession with dashed dreams.
But what makes a villain truly relatable? Why do we sometimes find ourselves sympathizing with them, even when they commit ...
Marred with psychological abuse, possible narcissism, and tragedy, the mother-son relationship in ‘Joker’ is among the most dysfunctional in film. You can watch it here. Helmed by acclaimed ...
However at that level, as we told you yesterday, it’s right on par with Dumbo’s lackluster start ($46M), and far behind other ...