T he '90s period of anime is one of the most nostalgic periods for the medium. Several of the most popular series came out of ...
Voice actors include Yuri Lowenthal ... Ryan Reynolds’ soundalike in Detective Pikachu, and roles in video games like XCOM 2. Loki can heal allies and even shapeshift. Image captured by VideoGamer.
It's been a longstanding complaint among the Poke-fandom that Ash remained a 10-year-old boy through the entirety of his saga ...
Mega Voltage, the next chapter in the Pokemon Horizons branch of the ongoing new anime series, will involve a timeskip for Liko, Roy, and Captain Pikachu ... switching voice actors from Veronica ...
British actor Chiwetel Ejiofor’s CV includes appearances in the films Kinky Boots, Love Actually, Children Of Men, Doctor Strange and the remake of The Lion King, lending his voice to the ...
Between data used to train geospatial control systems and the recent ownership change, the game that lets you catch Pokémon in the streets reflects a nightmarish reality.
Now, Pokemon Horizons kicks off a new era, and sees introverted Liko travel the world with the swashbuckling Mighty Volt Tacklers - and its Captain Pikachu ... game voice actor Doug Cockle ...
Also worth noting for you Bronies that Genki's voice actor grew up to voice Shining Armor in the new ... although it lacks the directness and purity of Pokémon: I Choose You Pikachu and the overall ...