B: Treatment recommendations for younger patients with multinodular goiter as a function of TSH level. Significance denoted by p values. Percentages of American Thyroid Association (ATA ...
These drawings, which first appeared in the journal Advances in Protein Chemistry in 1981, became known as ribbon diagrams. Richardson’s drawing style was quickly adopted. Structural biologists ...
Inspired by professor of climate science Ed Hawkins' climate warming stripes, the air quality stripes depict particulate matter (PM) concentrations in 176 cities worldwide since 1850. These tiny ...
A thyroid echography concluded that there was a large, bilateral but asymmetric multinodular goiter, with several partially cystic lesions containing a thick, unusual material. Based on both the ...
The Lahey Clinic, Boston, Mass. For record and address of author see "This "Week's Issue," page 293. Select the format you want to export the citation of this publication.
Ågren, J. Hayes, F. H. Höglund, L. Kattner, U. R. Legendre, B. and Schmid-Fetzer, R. 2002. Applications of Computational Thermodynamics. Zeitschrift für ...