Ugledni evropski medij Politico je objavil članek o tem, kateri kandidati za evropske komisarje bi lahko padli na zaslišanjih ...
povezav z enim največjih lobističnih podjetij na svetu Kreab ter očitkov o sodelovanju z jugoslovansko tajno službo Udba, ki jih izpostavila predvsem evroposlanka Romana Tomc (EPP/SDS). Marta Kos je ...
But Marta Kos has also made statements striking a conciliatory tone toward Moscow. “We must be critical toward Russia, but we must not close our doors toward Russia,” the former diplomat-turned-PR ...
Odbor DZ-ja za zadeve Evropske unije je z devetimi glasovi za in petimi proti podprl kandidaturo Marte Kos za evropsko komisarko. Marta Kos je v uvodu predlagala, da kot evropska komisarka v svojem ...
Slovenia's government said Thursday it had confirmed Marta Kos's nomination to the new European Commission to handle the EU's enlargement portfolio, after days of political wrangling. The delay ...
Quote: "She [Marta Kos] will be the Commissioner for Enlargement, also responsible for the Eastern Neighbourhood, and she will work on supporting Ukraine and continuing the work on the ...
The Slovenian government finally submitted nomination papers for Marta Kos to become its European commissioner on Thursday (19 September), paving the way for the European Parliament to kick-off ...
After a week of wrangling between Brussels and Ljubljana, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen designated Slovenia’s Marta Kos for the bloc’s coveted enlargement portfolio.
Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, has announced that she will give the portfolio of European Commissioner for Enlargement and Recovery of Ukraine to the Slovenian diplomat ...
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has formally severed the EU’s policy towards neighbours in North Africa and the Middle East from its approach to aspiring members on its ...