To the editor: Former President Trump was held liable for sexual assault and is a felon. If this is OK with you and you are still planning to vote for him, here is a letter to share with your daughter ...
In a recent letter Raymond Reed did an excellent job of showing that in different cultures or desperate circumstances, cats and dogs could be eaten. Sure — lots of things could happen. Russia could ...
It should not be deemed illegal and impossible. Councilmember Davis’ motion, supported by Councilmember Zwick, that Councilmembers who “want to discuss something at an official meeting will have to ...
To the editor: Thirty years ago I investigated puppy mills in Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma for the Humane Society of the United States. We exposed the California pet store connection and ...
In reading Mark Hand’s excellent article on the militia muster that will take place on Oct. 5, 2024, at Miller Park, I’ve ...
If you like higher taxes, inflation and a broken economy, don't vote. If you like wide open borders and the crime, disease ...
I’ve been away to the East Coast. There, people don’t have a rosy view of Montana. They think that Montana is a home for bigots, racists, homophobes, transphobes, any term ending in -phobe you can ...
Submit letters to the editor via email to [email protected]. Please include your name, address and town of ...
Abraham Lincoln said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” We are a divided country because both sides can find “their” truth on the internet or other source of their choosing ...
Watching Montana’s election for governor, Senate, U.S. House and others play out, it’s hard not to feel real disappointment for what the Montana Republican party has become. Not long ago, home-grown ...
The recent presidential debate should raise a serious question about Trump’s mental competency. As a retired physician, I have begun to wonder whether his strange speech is a sign of early dementia.
There have been two assassination attempts in two months on the only man who can restore not only the integrity of the U.S. but the balance of power in the world — and the official response has ...