Le prénom Aiata est d'origine tahitienne. En langue véhiculaire, ou dialecte reconnu de la Polynésie française, il est extrait de la phrase « Tvahine-ai-ata-o-te-ra'i » qui signifie « la ...
U.S. Congresswoman Amata Radewagen, who represents American Samoa, has urged the Trump administration to reopen most of an ...
After more than three decades, Jonas Renske of Swedish gothic metal band Katatonia announced that he and other founding member Anders Nyström were parting ways. In a post over on the official ...
How a Major Democratic Law Firm Ended Up Bowing to Trump Paul Weiss was targeted by an executive order. Its chairman, who had worked against President Trump during his first term, went to the Oval ...
Les représentants des 21 pays africains membres du Commonwealth échangent en vue du prochain sommet des 56 chefs d'État de l'organisation internationale, qui se tiendra du 21 au 26 octobre à Apia, ...