The isiXhosa struggle song Dubul’ ibhunu – the title literally translates to “Kill the Boer” but can also mean “Kill the ...
President Donald Trump holds up the signed executive order to reduce the size and scope of the Education Department during a ...
Discover four impactful books that explore the struggle for human rights in South Africa, as we commemorate Human Rights Day ...
Their focus is on developing and activating a plan for the protection of the “conservative white minority” when the prophecies of a nationwide civil war by the 19th century Boer prophet ... 2017 ...
Today, the 19th of June 2022 marks 109 years since the enactment of ... The aftermath of the passing of this Act was perhaps the most brutal and inhumane period of the 20th century. In his book ...
Minnesota’s governors enjoyed power to pardon, or commute the sentence of anyone convicted of a crime in state courts.
One researcher argues a general's 200-year-old Kentucky will, and others like it, support the case for present-day ...
American Century takes a customized approach to its US large-growth offerings and offers four strategies, each with a slightly different growth profile. This team runs three of those strategies ...
The 21st century pharmaceutical and biotech sector has come a long way from its roots in 19th century pharmacy. pharmaphorum looks at its evolution over the centuries. The roots of the ...