The Hinkley buck, tagged in Maine in 1955, was possibly the biggest whitetail ever killed at the time, and certainly in Maine ...
Hunting, fishing, trapping and many other activities are being negatively impacted and it will continue to get worse without ...
Four environmental groups have launched a one-year $62 million fundraising campaign to conserve 78,000 acres of forests, lakes and rivers in the Magalloway region of western Maine, including 11,000 ...
Your wildlife questions are answered by Maine Audubon Staff Naturalist Doug Hitchcox.
Deer in the north woods of Maine, for example, are simply not on the same basic schedule as those buried deep in the swamps of Mississippi. It’s always important to pay attention to specific ...
In the early 1900s, Gladys Hardy rode more than 1,000 miles across the West with her horse. Along the way she learned to hunt ...
Convalt Energy, which has an office in East Millinocket, must file for a variance to add to the existing solar array on Longview Drive.
The best quiet destinations allow you to get away from it all—including the constant noise. These are some of our favorite escapes.
One stunning Tuxedo Maine Coon cat spotted an unexpected ... Let's hope the deer above sticks to hanging out in yards and woods!
Here are some recommendations from a Maine perspective ... Feathers Over Freeport will be on May 17, Wings Waves and Woods in Deer Isle is May 14-18, the Downeast Spring Birding Festival is ...
By V. Paul Reynolds During last year’s Legislative session, a coterie of urban lawmakers from southern Maine tried hard to pass a bill that would have drastically curtailed Maine’s well-established ...
Maine is the first state in the country ... but the recently plowed and harrowed field remains. The woods are loaded with deer, and horseback, hiking, and snowmobiling trails.