The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shared a guide on how to layer and what to wear in chilly, cold and extremely cold weather. For chilly weather, they suggest one or two ...
Cold Weather Styling Trick: Check your weather app and dress appropriately! I was a fool and didn't wear the right shoes or socks on a slushy snow day—and paid the consequences. I'm a firm ...
Clothing, shoes, and accessories for switching comfortably between hot and cold environments (even if your use case isn’t as extreme as mine).
Southington Community Services is asking folks throwing out or storing their winter coats/hats/gloves/mittens to donate them ...
Deployed soldiers are constantly loaded with gear, but nowhere more so than when operating in a cold weather environment.In ...
USMC adopted Extreme Cold Weather Clothing System (ECWCS) in 1985 to replace Korean War era Cold Weather (EW) Clothing. Over the last 20 years USMC made periodic low risk product changes to ...
Getting cold feet isn’t just a figure of speech for a hunter. It’s annoying at best and seriously dangerous at worst. Even on the back-40, it's easy for a sub-par boot to force you to call it ...