Oscar-winning director and Happy Days star Ron Howard paid tribute to Lynch on social media, writing: “#RIPDavidLynch, a gracious man and fearless artist who followed his heart & soul and proved that radical experimentation could yield unforgettable cinema.”
Numerous leaders in entertainment, celebrities, and former collaborators have mourned the death of revolutionary filmmaker David Lynch.
With such hallucinogenic masterworks as 'Eraserhead,' 'Blue Velvet,' 'Mulholland Drive,' 'Twin Peaks' and 'The Elephant Man,' he often left more questions than answers.
Steven Spielberg, Ron Howard and more pay tribute to auteur - The ‘Eraserhead’ and ‘Elephant Man’ director was described as ‘the first populist surrealist’
Reactions to the death of David Lynch, the visionary filmmaker behind “Twin Peaks” and “Mulholland Drive,” whose death at 78 was announced Thursday.
David Lynch, the writer-director whose work included Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive and Twin Peaks has died at the age of 78, his family confirmed in a statement on Facebook.
Director David Lynch, known for the surreal TV series Twin Peaks and films such as Eraserhead and Blue Velvet, has died aged 78. A post on his official Facebook page read: “It is with deep regret that we, his family, announce the passing of the man and the artist, David Lynch.
Wild At Heart actor Nicolas Cage has paid tribute to "singular genius" film director David Lynch, after his death aged 78.
David Lynch, the Oscar-winning filmmaker behind Mulholland Drive and Twin Peaks, has died at the age of 78...
Steven Spielberg, Kyle MacLachlan and more pay tribute to auteur - The ‘Eraserhead’ and ‘Elephant Man’ director was described as ‘the first populist surrealist’