In Nepal, the caste hierarchy places Dalits at the lowest rung among Hindus — a social structure that is broadly adopted ...
March 8 is International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate and recognize collective action toward gender parity. Half of humanity is made up of women and girls, but there’s a long way to go until gender ...
KATHMANDU, NEPAL — Outside the imposing Supreme Court building, Bharati Sherpa draws a shaky breath. She went on a hunger strike because the man convicted of killing her husband — a former Nepali ...
MUNIGI, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO — Esther Mwema assumed her 4-year-old son had chicken pox. He was lucky enough to get a medical exam at this camp for displaced people, where many families live in ...
MUNIGI, RÉPUBLIQUE DÉMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO : Esther Mwema pensait que son fils de 4 ans souffrait de la varicelle. Il a eu la chance de bénéficier d’un examen médical dans ce camp de déplacés où de ...
As a local journalist, you have the ability to change static and stereotypical narratives about your community. By learning easily applicable narrative change techniques, you can transform your own ...
Lucas Bustamante, right, a dog walker, looks at pastries at Mario González’s coffee cart in Buenos Aires, Argentina. González has sold coffee on the street for six years, and for the last four years, ...
Mpox Sweeps Through Camps for Displaced People in DRC Bright Bursts of Yellow From Around the World The World’s Elders to Younger Generations: ‘Enjoy Nature, or What’s Left of It’ 14 Views Beyond the ...
Mpox Sweeps Through Camps for Displaced People in DRC Bright Bursts of Yellow From Around the World The World’s Elders to Younger Generations: ‘Enjoy Nature, or What’s Left of It’ 14 Views Beyond the ...
Mpox Sweeps Through Camps for Displaced People in DRC Bright Bursts of Yellow From Around the World The World’s Elders to Younger Generations: ‘Enjoy Nature, or What’s Left of It’ 14 Views Beyond the ...
Mpox Sweeps Through Camps for Displaced People in DRC Bright Bursts of Yellow From Around the World The World’s Elders to Younger Generations: ‘Enjoy Nature, or What’s Left of It’ Portraits of Public ...