Nowruz is a rite dating back to the 6th century BCE, marking the ushering in of spring and the new year. Variously known as ...
Eleven gold bracelets measuring 7.5cm or so in diameter were found in a wooden coffin in the mound. Five bracelets were on the right arm of the corse and six on the left. One bracelet from the left ...
Meddahlik was a Turkish theatre form performed by a single storyteller called a meddah and practised throughout Turkey and Turkishspeaking countries. Through the ages, similar narrative genres have ...
The Zafimaniry community is the sole remaining repository of a unique woodcraft culture previously widespread on the island. In the eighteenth century, the Zafimaniry settled in the remote wooded ...
In 1975, the discovery of Chinese ceramics in the sea near Shinan launched a series of underwater excavations close to the Korean peninsula. They revealed a shipwreck which was subsequently explored ...
This amulet is made from a fine gold leaf and engraved; it represents a fish swimming towards the left with a long dorsal fin, two small ventral fins and a tail spreading out like a fan. The gills and ...
We’ve elaborated the UNESCO Project Planner – Top Tips for Youth Action to help you move from an idea to an actionable project plan. If you have identified a problem in your community, and have an ...
Seungjeongwon Ilgi has the largest amount of authentic historic recordings and state secrets of the Joseon Dynasty from the 17th century to the early 20th century. Diaries written in the late 19th ...
The Silk Roads were a driving force behind significant cultural exchange across many different parts of the world. Throughout the long history of these routes, a blending of civilizations and people ...
Medieval coinage can provide insights into not only the economy but also the politics, traditions and structures of power within a society. From the eighth century, after the Arab conquests, coins ...