Fortnite community members defended OG Chapter 1 Season 1, after a player accused fans of being blinded by nostalgia.
Boogie Bombs are back in Fortnite OG! What else has been changed with the Fortnite OG loot pool and how will it play?
The current season of Fortnite is about to end, so make sure you’ve wrapped up all your challenges and finished every tier of ...
Read the full Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 Lawless patch notes here and check all the changes happening with the new update.
Fortnite is down for schedule maintenance ahead of Chapter 6 Season 2, but you probably won't have to wait long before it's ...
Here are all the Fortnite map changes in Chapter 6 Season 2 Lawless along with the POI locations and landmarks list.
Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 boasts heaps of new things to do, with players being given the option to fill their pockets with ...
Chapter 6 Season 2 has finally arrived, and players can expect a season with a lot of Fortnite Mythics. Here's what they are.