The copperhead and cottonmouth snake species are common to Alabama but how many more are there and what are their habitats?
City leaders in Anniston say they’ve fined some people for ignoring the city’s burn ban put in place because of the recent ...
In addition to the various birds, Bon Secour also preserves endangered species like sea turtles and the Alabama beach mouse. To take in the wildlife, visitors can hike one of the refuge's trails ...
Sponsors of the 2025 photo contest include Alabama State Parks, the Alabama Conservation Enforcement Officers Association and ...
Those driving along t Eastern Bypass Tuesday evening might have noticed a large blaze billowing smoke around the Iron Mountain. That plot of land holds over 900 acres of fish and wildlife refuge known ...
Coosa was Alabama Wildlife Center's very first glove-trained educational ambassador. #coosa #awc #lastinglegacy pb ...