This new component could be AMD’s first integration of Versal/Xilinx FPGA technology into its accelerator lineup. AMD announced in 2022 that it planned to incorporate Xilinx’s FPGA-powered AI ...
ranging from the small Xilinx Artix® FPGAs to the latest Xilinx Versalâ„¢ Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platform (ACAP) devices. The logiREF-MULTICAM-ISP demonstrates these capabilities and shows how, ...
If you want to use a display or camera with an FPGA, you will often end up with a MIPI-based solution. As of the Xilinx Vivado 2020.1 release, the MIPI DSI (display serial interface) and CSI ...
It is designed to transfer data from the system memory to the SD card's data bus, and vice versa. Implemented DMA mechanism enables ... The logiSDHC enables expansion of embedded systems based on the ...