They are commonly used in many electronics that we use in our day-to-day lives for instance we have remote controls, smartphones, and flashlights right from cars to mention but a few. However, not all ...
Choosing the right car battery is vital for reliable vehicle performance, especially in demanding conditions.  There are tons ...
As power utilities and industrial companies seek to use more renewable energy, the market for grid-scale batteries is ...
There’s only one way to answer the question, “Is it my battery, or something else” when your car won’t start: Hook up ...
As new and promising battery technologies such as solid-state, lithium-sulfur, graphene and zinc-air batteries come to market ...
FLINT, MI - A $175 million project has been announced to bring an electric vehicle battery materials company to Flint’s ...
China’s electric-vehicle market is offering a tentative challenge to the shift toward batteries with no nickel or cobalt.
Either (A), you need to store your car over the winter without the battery going flat, or (B), you need to store your car for ...
Lithium-ion batteries still dominate the rechargeable-battery landscape, with solid-state versions prolonging that position, ...
Clarios is showcasing a newly developed lighter, safer, and more robust trucking battery at IAA Transportation show in Hannover, Germany.
Toyota has pulled back somewhat from its 1.5M EV target for 2026, but the new target of 1M is ten times 2023 (and current) ...
Hybrid petrol models likely to stay on sale past Labour’s original 2030 deadline, but no word yet on which hybrid models will ...