Up next is another brief intermission from the customary woe of the lonely man in space, courtesy of the legendary Bong ...
In 1986, director James Cameron delivered “Aliens” and the eternal debate began. “Alien” vs. “Aliens” is contested in the fan community to this very day (for the record, I’m on team “Alien” every ...
There are a total of nine movies in the Alien franchise ... the world to idea of space marines AND space marines getting their asses kicked, pal! Aliens would handily feature more than ...
Although Prometheus' plot is infamously convoluted, that doesn't mean that it is impossible to situate Ridley Scott's prequel ...
From malevolent computers to Arcturian shore leave, here are all the callbacks and references we spotted in these short clips.
Alien: Earth will be released in summer 2025. FX confirmed this in a teaser released on YouTube. The exact date, however, is yet to be revealed. Since filming wrapped last summer, the crew has been ...
On the surface, “Life” does look and sound like another “Alien” knockoff. And yes, both movies follow astronauts trapped ...
The visual language of the fourth instalment in the series, 1997 release Alien Resurrection, emphasised a Gothic visual tradition combined with an industrial look. Intriguingly, one of the artists who ...