Designed by Sir Christopher Wren and Robert Hooke, this stone column reaches a height of 202 feet, exactly 202 feet from the ...
Robert Hooke made important contributions to numerous areas of science, including some of the first studies of living things using microscopes. Hooke was a major player in the newly-founded Royal ...
Robert Hooke studied the uniaxial force required to extend springs and long straight wires and found it to be proportional to the extension of the device under test. He stated his observation as "Ut ...
Earlier in the year, he had entered into a lively conversation with scientist Robert Hooke and Sir Christopher Wren, the noted architect of the new St. Paul's Cathedral in London. Halley suggested ...
1671: Robert Hooke creates the first decompression chamber. He climbs inside a barrel, and has one tenth of the air sucked out, thereby simulating conditions at 3,000 feet; Hooke notices only a ...
"If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants" Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, alchemist, inventor and natural philosopher who is ...
A new play explores the mind of the father of modern physics through his interactions—factual and imagined—with a curmudgeonly colleague. A series of rodent experiments showed that even with abundant ...
Robert Hooke This 17th-century Englishman was a prodigious scientist and inventor. To mention a few of his achievements, he made basic contributions to physics, chemistry, meteorology, geology ...