While speculation is mounting about the tax raids that Rachel Reeves will carry out in her maiden Budget, the Treasury is ...
Treasury confirms the Budget will not end scheme, claimed by four million pensioners, that gives 25 per cent off bills if people live alone ...
As the October 30 Budget looms, Rob Wood, chief UK economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, stressed that Ms Reeves will need to ...
For years, the left have been calling for Labour to wage war on what they call "unearned wealth". Next month, chancellor ...
An increase in duty could have a "devastating knock-on effect" by driving away customers, warned Emma McClarkin, chief ...
The chancellor's potential tax raid on pensions has triggered a stampede of savers trying to withdraw lump sums as fears ...
Chancellor Rachel Reeves is being urged to abolish the £175,000 residence nil-rate band in the Budget and other changes are ...
Last week, two separate people asked me whether they need to worry about inheritance tax after the Budget. Neither have ...
The chancellor could be set to declare all-out war on pensioners with a cap on Lump Sum Allowance (LSA) off the back of the ...
Rachel Reeves has insisted “tough” tax rises and public service cuts are vital if Britain is to rival Germany and the US. The ...
British government debt hit 100% of economic output for the first time in recent history and there was another large budget ...
Chancellor Rachel Reeves is considering increasing alcohol duties in next month's Budget. She has not ruled out increasing ...