The “total fertility rate” is a coarse estimate of the number of children an average woman will bear. A population will be ...
In recognition of their discovery of one of our immune system’s foundations, physician Andrea Ablasser, virologist Glen ...
Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) was born in East Prussia (now Poland), the son of a lottery-office keeper. He went to the University of Leipzig to pursue a career in medicine. By the time he graduated in ...
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the award of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine to Paul Ehrlich, in recognition of his contribution to immunology. His impact, however, extended ...
In his new book, he combines his... Paul R. Ehrlich, Author, Paul R. Ehlrich, Author, Anne H. Ehrlich, With Simon & Schuster $18.95 (320p) ISBN 978-0-671-68984-1 The Ehrlichs, articulate and ...
GBR 1302, a bi-specific monoclonal antibody, is an artificial protein that is composed of fragments of two different monoclonal antibodies and consequently binds two different types of antigens ...
Dr Paul Ehrlich is Bing Professor of Population Studies, President of the Center for Conservation Biology, Department of Biology, Stanford University and Adjunct Professor, University of ...