There's some science behind why yoga can help you sleep better. Yoga and breathing techniques help calm your nervous system, ...
The good news? Yoga poses, specifically pigeon pose—also known as eka pada rajakapotasana in Sanskrit—can help by stretching ...
Feeling emotional and even crying during hip-opening yoga poses is something that yoga teachers ... for the link between emotions and hip openers, and why no yogic experience is invalid.
Plow pose, as crazy as it looks, is a great way to prepare yourself for a good night's rest. (Getty Images) ...
Yoga can significantly aid in ... of the feet together with knees in a seated pose and holds the feet with their hands. This pose is a great hip opener; it stimulates the ovaries, brings blood ...
Take the right hand on the right knee, open the knee out to ... lengthening the spine. This pose is excellent for opening up through the right side, the right hip, as you're strengthening the ...
You can also try a hip opener by crossing your ankle over your knee and leaning slowly forward. If you're still feeling up to it, stand up, and try a modified classic yoga move, triangle pose ...