It’s no secret that Kaiser Wilhelm II enjoyed travelling. In times of peace the head of state was rarely to be found in Potsdam or Berlin; more often he resided in one of the German spa towns or ...
Tsar Schacht. In Berlin tense Adolf Hitler ... the indiscretion of too great frankness in the presence of Kaiser Wilhelm II. The All Highest had been commanding an army against Hindenburg at ...
In 2008, scientists used bone and tooth fragments to identify the remains as those of the two missing children of Czar Nicholas II: 13-year-old Crown Prince Alexei, the emperor's only son and heir ...
At the outbreak of the war in 1914, the Emperor of Russia, Nicholas II ... decisions. Wilhelm was forced to abdicate following the end of the war in 1918, making him the last Kaiser of Germany.
including his interests in the occult and the Aryan myth, plus his flirtation with Hitler, a matter often ignored. Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1859-1941: A Concise Life is certainly the best one-volume ...
Because of this, the leader of Austria-Hungary waited until he had the support of Germany, and its leader Kaiser Wilhelm ... German Emperor William II and Russian Tsar Nicholas II, but family ...
Her son Paul I restored the succession of oldest sons to the throne, which continued through Alexander III and Nicholas II, the last tsar. Alexander III (ruled 1881 Ü 1894) began a web of ...
Nicholas II Fund earns a High Process Pillar rating. The most important driver of the rating is the parent firm's five-year risk-adjusted success ratio of 100%. The measure indicates the ...
The last Kaiser of Germany, Kaiser Wilhelm II. Celebration at the Windsor Hotel, 250 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, Scotland. Invitation and menu card to his 51st birthday party in Glasgow.
Nicholas II Fund earns a High Process Pillar rating. The predominant contributor to the rating is the parent firm's five-year risk-adjusted success ratio of 100%. The measure indicates the ...
One hundred years ago this week, a protest about food shortages in the Russian capital, Petrograd, turned into the violent revolution that overthrew Czar Nicholas II and brought the Romanov ...