Called gulal, the fine powder is made from a mixture of starch ... "Imagine life without colors. Imagine life in black and white. It is boring. Colors give you pop," said Manu Garg, Ratan's ...
Gulal Gota, a cherished tradition of Gujarat and Rajasthan, is said to be losing its significance among today's modern ...
The coloured powder is called gulal. It is believed that this tradition came from Krishna throwing coloured water when he was young. People also give gifts and enjoy special food throughout the ...
This is generic information. However, it is always advisable to do a patch test before anything directly on to your skin.
But it’s the second day that most people will recognise - that’s when perfumed powder called gulal is pelted at everyone and made to stick with water pistols and balloons. There are lots of ...
Colours extracted from flowers are mixed with natural ingredients to form a powder that can be wiped off the skin easily," said Shasany. NBRI licensed technology for Kachnar-based herbal gulal ...
The green gulal specifically involves drying, grinding and filtering spinach juice through multiple layers, with added sandalwood powder.