MILFORD, CT — Over 50 people caught a healthy glimpse of a fireball streaking across the ... early am walk [and] saw bright ball with long tail streak across sky west to east and appeared ...
A red fireball with a “glowing white train” shot over eastern North Carolina and Virginia at 11:40 p.m. Tuesday, according to multiple reports filed with the American Meteorological Society.
He managed to capture incredible footage of the experience, which shows the fiery orb shooting across the sky with a burning tail streaking ... described it as like a "fireball".
James Garside had just returned from a late shift at work when he saw the 'fireball' passing overhead ... with a distinctive tail trailing behind it as it hurtles overhead. James, 27, told the ...
He managed to capture incredible footage of the experience, which shows the fiery orb shooting across the sky with a burning tail streaking behind it ... "shocked and amazed" and described it as like ...
It has a glowing red ball at the front, with a distinctive tail trailing behind it as it hurtles overhead ... "It was just unexpected," he said. "It was like a fireball and it was going across the sky ...