Christopher advises using a general-purpose liquid fertiliser to give your snowdrops a good feed after flowering. The final ...
Love snowdrops? They'll be back next year, and more beautiful than ever, so long as you follow these expert tips ...
And dividing your snowdrops is just the start. By following this simple gardening rule, you can get more of the plants you love for free. Hannah advises: “It is best to divide snowdrops now ...
Top tip: Once they have established, you can lift and divide clumps of snowdrops as they spread over the years – Julie recommends doing this in April or May. As well as winter bedding plants ...
Spring has finally arrived, and with it, the weather is becoming warmer. Snowdrops, also known as Galanthus nivalis, are among the first flowers to bloom during the late winter months. These hardy ...
Snowdrops will spread in time, so if a patch of Snowdrops becomes too crowded you can carefully lift them with a spade and divide them once the flowers have died back but before the green foliage ...