The Greensboro Grasshoppers have unveiled seven new statues celebrating the team’s rich history—featuring three dedicated to ...
Brian Conley and Jared Tabor move the first baseman sculpture to the Graasshopper baseball field in Greensboro, N.C., on ...
Former MLB All-star Alex Rodriguez makes a half-court shot at halftime of college game Bucknell vs Army. Pollster and communication strategist Frank Luntz joins CNN’s Jessica Dean to discuss a poll ...
This story originally appeared on in 2020. We present it here once more as Minor League Baseball celebrates Women's ...
of the Chicago White Sox and the New York Yankees’ Babe Ruth look at one of Babe’s home run bats. A dapper Babe Ruth goes out for a drive with Yankees manager Miller Huggins in 1921.
30, 1927 -- When Ruth hit his 50th homer ... up over his breaking the record. Babe, who walked a major-league leading 138 times, hit his 60 homers in 540 at-bats, a rate of one homer every nine ...
Reds players are excited to work with Brett Butler, who put down 245 bunt singles during his 17-year big-league career.
Preferred by legends like Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and Ted Williams, the Louisville Slugger is undeniably the most famous bat in baseball. And to learn about its production, history and about ...
To this day, Babe Ruth is one of the most-famous baseball players in the world. If you ask a random person to name five baseball players, there’s a good chance that Ruth will get mentioned.
"I'm sure that didn't please Babe," Grover said. He read a quote from Des Moines Register sports editor Sec Taylor about what happened the next time Ruth was at bat: "Not to be outdone ...