Your daily horoscope - Dec. 29

Social sensitivity is still palpable. There’s some recovery compared to the past two days, but space is still needed.
Fostering honesty and empathy in your relationships will deepen connections with loved ones. Your efforts to strengthen these ...
Sidestepping drama is easier said than done today as curious Mercury in your group arena faces off with OTT Jupiter in your theatrics court. You could find other people’s soap operas so enticing ...
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Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On December 23 — The Moon Trines Jupiter
On Monday, the Moon in Libra forms a harmonious trine aspect with Jupiter in Gemini. According to the daily horoscope, it’s ...
Thursday, December 26th ARIES (March 21 - April 20): The tougher you have been with various people in recent days the nicer ...
Aries Money Horoscope Today Approach work and business with patience. Career and business will remain mixed. Pay attention to ...
Cancer Money Horoscope Today Work will progress well in commercial endeavours. Success in career and business is assured.